Safetyware Aluminized Heat Protection Jacket is in the category of flame resistant apparel.
If employees may be exposed to toxic or corrosive chemicals, biological pathogens, molten metal splashes, extreme temperatures, etc., personal protective clothing is required. Protective clothing can take the form of apron, work clothes, coats, coats, pants, hats, headscarves, sleeves, gloves and fully sealed chemical protective clothing. An example of special clothing is a vest that reflects light for outdoor workers at night.
Protective clothing and equipment such as aluminized heat protection jacket for firefighters can protect them from the harsh working environment with strong thermal hazards, elevated ambient temperature, low oxygen concentration and smoke. Fire fighting is an extremely dangerous occupation. In addition to extinguishing fires, firefighters must also fight against smoke, water, hot embers, falling objects and collapsed floors. Considering that they usually only have a precious few minutes to allow occupants to safely leave the burning building, they complete their work under tight time constraints. Modern firefighters wear a full set of personal protective equipment to protect themselves in potentially hazardous work such as heat protection jacket.
- This Safetyware aluminized heat protection coat is using flexible fabric.
- Besides that, this heat protection coat is very pleasant wearing comfort for wearer.
- Other than that, this Safetyware alumininzed coat provides high heat reflection so that it can protect wearer and wearer can wear it safely.
- In addition, this heat protection coat provides insulated snaps, stand-up collar, hook-and loop fastener.
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