

Safetyware 是马来西亚领先的安全鞋制造商和供应商之一,我们提供各种类型的鞋类防护产品。

此外,我们的产品符合EN ISO 20435:2011认证标准。因此,它们具有良好的耐磨、耐化学品、耐油和耐热性能。这些产品主要采用防护玻璃纤维防撞头盔,因此可以承受200焦耳的冲击力。凭借这些规格,我们的安全鞋保证在各种工作环境下确保您的安全。

我们与Harvik Rubber和Korakoh等合作伙伴合作,提供低帮、中帮和高帮安全鞋,供您智能选择。正确的鞋类非常舒适,质量优良。

显示 1-12 个结果(共 39 个结果)

We’ve Launched a New Website!

Welcome to the archive version of Safetyware’s website. We’re excited to share that our new, improved website with an updated layout and enhanced content is now live at https://safetyware.com

This archived site will remain accessible for reference until 31 January 2025. However, for the latest information and a better browsing experience, we encourage you to visit and bookmark our new website.

Thank you for your support, and we look forward to welcoming you to our updated online presence!