
我们制造和供应适合不同应用的各种围裙。作为马来西亚领先的 PPE 制造商和供应商,我们生产自己的 Safetyware 品牌围裙并供应 Ansell 等国际品牌,我们提供现货和定制围裙。我们提供由以下材料制成的围裙:

  • PVC(乙烯基)、丁腈橡胶、氯丁橡胶
  • 一次性聚乙烯 (PE)
  • 棉、T/C 斜纹布、帆布、牛仔布、涤纶
  • 凯夫拉、不锈钢网
  • 镀铝芳纶
  • 防静电围裙


无论您需要化学防护、耐寒、低温防护、防切割、防尘和防污、阻燃、食品安全和卫生目的、耐热、焊接火花防护以及许多其他可能的应用,您都可以依靠 Safetyware 为您提供一站式解决方案。

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We’ve Launched a New Website!

Welcome to the archive version of Safetyware’s website. We’re excited to share that our new, improved website with an updated layout and enhanced content is now live at https://safetyware.com

This archived site will remain accessible for reference until 31 January 2025. However, for the latest information and a better browsing experience, we encourage you to visit and bookmark our new website.

Thank you for your support, and we look forward to welcoming you to our updated online presence!