This section of latest update comprises Safetyware Group Berhad’s Company updates, Product updates, Press Releases, News, Events and Blog.
The Best & Most Practical 2020 Christmas Gift for Your Loved Ones
Due to Covid-19 Pandemic, this year Christmas will never be the same.
Why Safety Matters
Safety is paramount. Paramount, which means important than anything else and why is that? Can you imagine one day, leaving your family for work in the morning, they are at home waiting and hoping you would return home safely but you didn’t make it to home but ended up in the hospital instead? Or worse maybe?
Get Your Workplace Ready For Covid-19
If you’re anxious about returning to the workplace in light of the current pandemic, don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many other workers are nervous and concerned about not just the virus, but how other people will react to new safety measures.
As you prepare your workplace, you have the ability to keep it as safe and secure as possible. Following governmental guidelines is an excellent start, but also, look to other companies that have returned successfully to work. What regulations have they implemented that allowed their workers to stay healthy and in turn have kept the business going? Here is a list of various ways you can prepare your workplace and your employees for returning to work in a pandemic. This is not an extensive list by any means, but it’s a basic start towards workplace safety.
Why Hand Sanitizer is Important
Of Hand Sanitizer, and the Relationship We Should Have with Them
Places Where Face Mask are Mandatory
Senior Defence Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob said those who flout the mandatory mask rule can be subject to prosecution under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 that provides for a fine of up to RM1,000, close to the minimum monthly wage of RM1,100 or RM1,200. The law also imposes a penalty of six months’ imprisonment, or both fine and jail.
Latest SOP for Restaurants & Market Vendors During Recovery MCO Period
The year 2020 has brought us many challenges and one of the biggest issues faced by every country all over the world is surely Covid-19. World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that this war against corona virus will continue go on until the vaccine is developed. As of 11th August 2020, the total confirmed cases recorded are 19,718,030 with a total of 728,013 confirmed deaths across 216 countries and areas.
Pakaian Pelindungan dan Kepentingannya Semasa Pandemic Covid-19
Adakah anda tahu apakah perbezaan antara isolation gown (gaun pengasigan) dan pakaian pelindung seperti coverall? Seperti yang kita lihat gambar yang tular di media sosial , ada antara barisan hadapan yang memakai gaun pengasigan dan ada juga yang memakai coverall.
Keliru? Saya terangkan.
The New Norm after RMCO: Adaptation for Manufacturers and Business Survival
Who would ever thought that 2020 would turned out to be BIZARRE?
Every Hero Needs Special Shoes
What if Tony Stark does not have his iron suits? As our heart throb Captain ‘Steve Rogers’ America used to say,
Back to School! Full Reopening After RMCO- Things Parents Should Take Note Of
Hello peeps! Or shall I say - hello students!
Pembukaan Sekolah Sepanjang PKPP 2020
Seperti yang kita sedia maklum, PKPB telah dilanjutkan kepada Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Pemulihan (PKPP) mulai 10 Jun 2020 hingga 31 Ogos 2020. Setelah menikmati “cuti” yang panjang, kini sekolah akan dibuka semula secara berperingkat mulai 24 Jun 2020. Tarikh ini hanya dibenarkan untuk pelajar Tingkatan 5 & 6 sahaja, iaitu yang terlibat dengan peperiksaan besar seperti SPM dan STPM. Manakala bagi pelajar tahun lain akan diumumkan secara berperingkat dan dari semasa ke semasa.
Guide for F&B Businesses During the Recovery MCO (RMCO)
The Great Pandemic of 2020 has dramatically impacted the world including Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia. However, this nation has done remarkably well to contain the spread of Covid-19 within and without its borders. The efforts by the government, health authorities, frontliners, and essential workers, NGOs, and other parties, including the public's cooperation, have saved and protected many lives while ensuring the country's prospects for a better future. In fact, Malaysia's example of successfully dealing with the crisis is considered exemplary, worldwide.
Essential Tools You Need in Preparation RMCO
Malaysia is currently entering recovery movement control order (RMCO) which has been announced by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. This RMCO started from 10th June and will end on 31st August 2020. In line with the announcement made, majority of the economy sector can be operated with full manpower. Commercial activities such as sports and recreational is allowed but need to follow the standard operation procedure (SOP). Even though the new cases reported recently is consider low, however, Malaysia should not take it lightly.

China Press: “武汉肺炎” 民众买口罩买到供应商那里去
With the spike in the number of Covid-19 cases, the public goes for supplier for the purchase of face masks. The Managing Director of Safetyware Group, Wong Kee Wei mentioned that even though the company has a sufficient supply for the local customers, they have implemented a purchase limit for every customer to handle this sudden spike in the face mask demand to ensure most of the public have equal chances to get the face masks.

China Press: “武汉肺炎” 口罩市场难求 买了也要戴对 你的方式正确吗?
COVID-19 has caused a shortage of face mask, but have you wear it correctly?

Nanyang: “武汉肺炎” 中台禁出口影响供应 口罩厂外现人龙
(Jan 28, Bukit Mertajam) Due to the shortage of masks in the market, people flock to the mask suppliers early in the morning to queue for face masks.