We’ve Launched a New Website!

Welcome to the archive version of Safetyware’s website. We’re excited to share that our new, improved website with an updated layout and enhanced content is now live at https://safetyware.com

This archived site will remain accessible for reference until 31 January 2025. However, for the latest information and a better browsing experience, we encourage you to visit and bookmark our new website.

Thank you for your support, and we look forward to welcoming you to our updated online presence!



Item Code: 8000000696, 8000080701


  • Power supply for AED

Visit our online stores:


  • This Lithium Manganese Dioxide battery pack from Zoll Medical is intended to be used with the Zoll AED 3.
  • This fits conveniently in the back of the AED to be hidden when not in use and there is always room for a spare in the Zoll AED 3 Carry Case.


  • ZOLL AED Plus Battery
  • 10pcs in 1 set needed in 1 unit of AED Plus