Malaysia’s ambition to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 highlights a progressive position relative to other ASEAN countries. Safetyware Group is stepping up in our journey into the adoption of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices in our day-to-day operations. This ambition is supported by managing carbon emissions, proper management of scheduled waste; and driving the development of sustainable practices.

SAFETYWARE Group commits to the reduction of carbon footprint by cutting emissions at our sites, implementing proper waste treatment and 5 R's for all branches and subsidiaries. We believe in the responsibility to help create a sustainable future and make our world a better place. Therefore, are committed to promoting sustainability not only in our daily operations yet also in our decision-making processes.
Safetyware Group and its subsidiaries commit good business practices which are more inclusive, including equity, diversity, human rights, and social justice. Our people oriented framework includes providing fair wages, non discriminatory hiring practices, gender equality, occupational health and safety. This has become increasingly important to improve well-being at work, whereby unfair social practices are shunned and the workplace has become a more inclusive environment.

We believe that organizations with strong corporate governance cultures will be better positioned to manage sustainability risks and opportunities. Our directors and management officers ought to make conscious decisions that encompass both Social and Environmental considerations to comply with ESG standards, for example the Anti-Bribery, Employee Grievance Redressal, Environmental, and Sustainability Policies are in place and adhered to.